Aromatherapy Diffuser Essential Oil Jewellery Guide

Aromatherapy Diffuser Essential Oil Jewellery Guide

Aromatherapy is an ancient therapy that dates back to Ancient Greece. It has been used for thousands of years and is still widely used today. Still, with so many different products available on the market, it can be challenging to know which one suits you best.

An aromatherapy pendant necklace is attractive and gives you the option of including pleasant scents with added rewards in your daily life. You gain access to the aroma without exposing yourself directly to the plant compounds and risking an allergic reaction.

For someone who wants a simple way to reduce stress and boost their mood, lava jewellery may seem like just what they need. But choosing between all these options might be a little daunting.

After reading this guide, you can avoid the hours of research and discover your perfect aromatherapy diffuser jewelry in no time at all!

What is Aromatherapy and Essential Oil Jewelry?

An aromatherapy diffuser necklace is a decorative, wearable item that includes essential oils. It covers a range of uses for aromatherapy oils:

  • Massage for relaxation and health.
  • Inhalation-room diffusers, steam baths and functional jewelry.

You identify oils and their natural, well-being properties in:

  • Cosmetics.
  • Perfume.
  • Cleaning products.
  • Room scenting.
  • Medicines.

Essential oils come from the distillation of organic plant material to concentrate volatile compounds in fragrant oil. The essence of the plant fibres produces the aroma. A person can experience fragrancy in many beneficial ways:

  • Alleviating symptoms like headaches.
  • Promoting restful sleep.
  • Calmness and relief of stress.
  • Positive mindset and wellness.

Humans enjoy the benefits and sensory pleasure. This enjoyment results in an industry dedicated to providing you with the smell you love in your home.

Jewellery pendants are not a modern idea-antique examples of wearable scent bottles and boxes are highly collectable. Contemporary aromatherapy jewelry gives you the advantage of a portable, personal fragrance. You carry it with you, and it doesn’t involve scenting an entire room or applying chemicals to your skin.

What an affordable and good way to feel and enjoy the therapeutic benefit from your favorite scent. One or two droplets can last all day in essential diffuser pendants.

How Do Diffuser Necklaces Work?

The aromatherapy necklaces provide a space to contain absorbent wool or cotton to hold a couple of drops. It releases sweetness through holes or meshes incorporated in the jewellery pendant or bracelet design as it evaporates.

The quality and style of aromatherapy bracelets and necklaces vary-some are reminiscent of Victorian scent boxes and use a gold hinged tree locket. Some are cylindrical or have porous materials like terracotta or cork as part of the jewellery.

Concentrated essential oils must not touch your skin. Some cause phototoxic reactions, and almost all of them are harmful when undiluted by a carrier oil. The concept for a diffuser necklace incorporates a barrier between the padding and your sensitive skin, allowing the odour to emerge.

You apply a few drops of your favorite undiluted essential oil (or a combination) to a pad or lava stone bead. These evaporate over overtime while wearing, lasting from a short while to days.

Wooden Jewellery
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How Long Do Diffuser Pads Last?

You can approach the answer from different angles:

  • How often do you replace them?
  • How long does it last?

How Often Do You Replace the Diffuser Pads?

Theoretically, you can use any absorbent items as padding, but most jewellery makers use:

  • Felt or cotton wicks.
  • Wood sticks.
  • Bamboo fabric.
  • Cork.
  • Leather.
  • Lava beads.
  • Clay or terracotta.
Aromatherapy jewellery necklace and pads

Cotton, cork, hide, and wool beads absorb oil instantly. Porous lava rock and clay bracelets take a few minutes before disappearing from the bead surface. Leather tends to add its odour to the fusion – very faint, but you will spot it if you have a sensitive nose. The others are more neutral.

You can reuse the assorted colour pads for years. The limiting factor is how much you apply, mixing up special blends. Suppose you want a clean smell; you are best using a different one for each blend of essential oil.

Wool, cork, cotton and bamboo fabric disks are economical. They come in different colours to quickly identify which essential oil blend goes with which.

How Long Does the Scent Last?

The staying power of essential oils depends on their composition. Different oil has a top, middle, and bottom notes like a musical scale. Some have a combination, and some have a single note. A talented perfumier composes a fragrance by combining these notes.

Top notes like eucalyptus and peppermint are light and refreshing but disperse in an hour. Lower notes can last up to eight hours on wool or felt pad.

The art of blending essential oils to create a unique perfume is surprisingly easy. Providing you remember that sparing use of the dropper is more effective.

Does Essential Oil Diffuser Jewellery Work?

The piece of diffusing jewelry acts as a container for each different essential oil so you can inhale it. It works to deliver access to your selected available blends through inhalation directly to your mind. Millions of tiny receptors in your nose fire up the brain section dealing with memory and emotion.

Quality jewelry bracelets give you the added advantages of access to your essential oil aromas whenever you wear them. You may use lavender for calm, insomnia, anxiety or peppermint as an antidote to morning sickness.

Wearing essential oil pendants allow you to slowly access the fragrance without direct skin contact throughout your day.

Is Aromatherapy Jewellery Safe?

Undiluted essential oils are concentrated chemical compounds (naturally created by plants). They must be treated with caution and diluted if in contact with skin. They protect the skin from direct contact are safer.

Potential issues with pure essential oil include:


Not everyone copes well with certain scents. Room diffusers can irritate some people suffering an adverse reaction.

Essential oil jewelry means you keep it to yourself rather than scenting a whole room. This approach is a more economical use of expensive essential oils. A droplet suffices for an individual who might need the entire bottle for a room.


Selecting the same one every time lessens its effectiveness and causes sensitization. Your brain learns to block it out with overexposure, and you don’t get the advantages. Plus, one drop is good, and two are not better.

Everyone has an instinctive reaction to using more (more drink, more chocolate biscuits) of everything. Pragmatically you want enough, but not too much.

A light odour is pleasant for you and everyone else. Using enough to leave you sneezing with watery eyes is not what you want from your pendant. Moderate usage means you get the maximum usefulness for your body and bank balance.


All essential oils do not suit everyone all the time. Some are toxic to cats, dogs, horses, and birds-even in inhalation. The amount of potential harm from a diffusing jewellery necklace is remote. But your pet may be particularly susceptible, and it is best to avoid contact between your pet and chosen compound.

You can use aromatherapy necklace jewelry for your sake, but ensure safety for your pet.

Children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with epilepsy or asthma all have different sensitivity levels and some that need avoiding. The diffuser necklace removes some main issues because the concentration is negligible.

Still, it is worth checking that your favourite essential oil is Ok for you. Avoid any that are known to irritate when inhaled.

willow diffuser necklace jewellery


These oils, like any other, are flammable. A drop on a wool pad does not pose a fire risk, but a saturated wad dangled in a naked flame does. It’s not a big issue, but it makes sense to be aware that they are flammable. The same as any oil-soaked clothing poses a potential fire hazard.

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